ICC Higher Speed Rail Seminar Spring 2025
ICC Seminar Heading link

Here is the zoom link for those attending the event virtually: https://uic.zoom.us/j/87222696564?pwd=AZfy7jzbwPVWYSJ67zyi4mtvl2rei1.1
ASME @ UIC is hosting a seminar led by the Illinois Commerce Commision about a high speed railway being built, connecting Chicago and St. Louis. The event will be held in the Cardinal Room of Student Center East on March 12th, 6-8 PM. The event will be attended by ICC officials, ASME members from other universities, as well as ASME senior engineers from all over the region.
There will be three speakers at this event:
Brian Vercruysse – a Purdue University alumnus and professional civil engineer in Illinois, Mr. Vercruysse has been with ICC since 2000 and is currently responsible for ICC’s inspection, Rail Safety Education and Outreach, and Crossing Safety Improvement programs.
Stan Milewski – a University of Illinois alumnus and professional civil engineer in Illinois, Mr. Milewski has been with ICC since the late 1980s and is currently serving as Assistant Administrator – Rail Safety Specialist IV.
Chris Murauski – a UIC alumnus and professional mechanical engineer in Illinois, Mr. Murauski is currently serving as Assistant Administrator – Rail Safety Specialist IV for ICC and has previous experience in project management, construction, and rail subcontracting.
This is a fantastic opportunity to network with industry experts, and hone your professional networking skills. The professional connections built during your university years are often the ones that help significantly in your career, from getting your first job, to making a big career move. The event is free for all students, and food will be provided. We ask that all attendees dress in business casual as this is a professional seminar. RSVP’s are now closed! Thank you to everyone that registered for the event! We are so excited to see you all there!